API Variant Classification POST

All operations against a variant classification submission from your lab can be performed against a single end point: https://shariant.org.au/classification/api/classifications/v2/record/

Ensure that any posts there are passing the required authentication data and is sending data as ContentType “application/json”

Example Post

	"data": {
		"c_hgvs": "NM_000071.2(CBS):c.1539C>T",
		"genome_build": "GRCh37",
		"clinical_significance": "VUS",
		"zygosity": "hemizygous",
		"bp4": true,
		"mode_of_inheritance": ["autosomal_dominant", "autosomal_recessive"],
		"literature": "Found a book PMID: 342244"
	"publish": "institution",
	"return_data": "changes"


	"delete": true

All Parameters

POST Effect
"id":_xxx_ See ID Part
"create":{} or "patch":{} or "overwrite":{} or "upsert":{} or "data":{} See Evidence Operation
"publish":"_level_" see Publish
"delete":true See Deleting
"test":true The effects of your POST operation will not be saved on the server. This is handy for validation.
"editable": true Will not mark uploaded values as immutable for web form users, i.e. they'll be able to overwrite what was uploaded.
"return_data": true Will return the complete list of evidence stored against this record
"return_data": "flat" As above but not-nested, so a note would be returned as "c_hgvs.note":true
"return_data": "changes" Returns only the evidence that changed as a result of your POST

ID Part

To uniquely identify the record, its ID can be part of the URL, or provided as part of JSON submission.

While we will assign a Shariant ID to all records, upon creation of a record you can assign it your own internal ID that only needs to be unique within your lab. You can then continue to use your internal ID for all future references.

The ID part of a submission consists of the following parts:

Part Description
lab_id Identifier assigned to your lab, will be composed of the lab’s parent body and lab ID, e.g. xyz_pathology/north_street_lab.
lab_record_id This is your internally unique identifier that can be any string. If no value is provided for the creation of a new record, a UUID will be automatically assigned.
rid This is Shariant’s ID for the record. It can only be referenced for existing records and can not be dictated for new records. If provided then lab and lab_record_id should be omitted.
version This will be a UNIX timestamp of the version when it was created. If the version is omitted then you will be dealing with the editable version of the record on a POST (if you have access), or the latest version your account has access to otherwise.






Any change to the evidence of a record will automatically create a new version of that record.

A version is denoted by the UNIX timestamp (with decimal places) of when the record was altered. If a value of version is provided in the ID part, then you will be referring to the read only version of the variant classification at that point in time and won’t be able to perform any operations against it. Versions cannot be un-published after being published, but more up to date versions can be published to become the new default.

Evidence Operation

Evidence part can be provided under one of the following. A submission can only provide a maximum of one of these elements at a time.


Provide evidence for a new record. Will error if the ID part matches an existing record.


Evidence included in this will be merged with the existing evidence of a record. Will error if the ID part doesn’t match an existing record.

upsert or data

Will either act as create or patch depending on if the ID part matches an existing record.

It is suggested that you only submit with upsert, as it stops labs from having to keep track of if a record has already been submitted.


Like upsert, except all existing evidence (if any) will be overwritten.

Evidence Format

The content of create/patch/overwrite/upsert will be using keys as seen in the evidence keys section, with keys matching a value or a dictionary with a key of value or note. Notes allow you to associate arbitrary text with an evidence key, especially useful for boolean or (multi)select fields.

The evidence itself should in the form of key : value or key: { “value”: value, “note”: note} e.g.

    "id": "...",
	"upsert": {
		"literature": "Found a book PMID: 342244",
		"affected_status": {
		    "value": "yes",
		    "note": "Need to double check this"
		"condition": {
		    "value": null
		"search_terms": null

How the data is provided is important for mixing the use of API and the web form. By default, any key with anything on the right hand side other than a straight null will be immutable on the web form. This is because your own curation system is deemed to be the source of truth about a variant classification. We want to avoid a scenario where users fix data on Shariant and then your curation system is out of date. This could be followed by another sync operation where the curation system’s out of date data then upsets over the top of the correct data in Shariant. The selective immutability will allow web form users to provide values for keys that your curation system can’t provide, if necessary. Importantly, a web user’s ability to change the text for a “note” is not affected by the immutability status.


key : null This completely blanks out any value associated with the key. Value, note, explain will be blanked. Web form immutability will be set unless otherwise configured.

key : <value> This will set the value for a key as well as wiping any note. Web form immutability will be set unless otherwise configured.

key : { "value": "<value>", “note”: "<note>", "explain": "<explain>" } If only a subset of value, note or explain are provided, this will merge with existing data. e.g. only providing value will leave any existing note and explain untouched. Immutability will be set.

The preferred method is key: {“value”: x} (with note only if your curation system can send notes). For records that don’t have values for certain keys that you would normally sync, provide key: null instead of omitting the entry all together. This is so immutability is set appropriately.


The individual entries valid for values will depend on the associated key types, e.g. “BP4” accepts “NM”, “BS”, “BP”, , true

“variant_type” accepts “indel”, “splice_site” etc

“mode_of_inheritance” accepts [”autosomal_dominant”,”other”] or “autosomal_dominant, other”

See the Evidence Key Types page for more details.


You can provide a publish flag in a POST. If create/patch/overwrite/upsert is provided, the publish will relate to the record as it is after applying that change. Note that you cannot un-publish a version, just publish more up to date versions.

To publish include a value for publish in your JSON body. e.g.

	"id": "67",
	"publish": "institution"


Visible to any user that belongs to a lab that belongs to the same institution as the lab the record was created against.


Visible to all logged in Shariant users and will be included in Shariant exports to other labs around Australia.


Allowed to be shared with Clinvar or other 3rd party systems.

Each share level is inclusive of all previous share levels. If on Monday you published a record to level 3, then on Tuesday you published the same record to level 2 - general Shariant users will have read-only access to the record as it was on Monday, but users within your institution will have access to the more up to date version as it was on Tuesday.

Deleting / Withdrawing

Records that haven’t been shared with logged in users or global can be deleted by including "delete": true

Records that have been shared with logged in users or global can be withdrawn by including the same "delete": true

Withdrawn records: Can be “unwithdrawn” with a subsequent submission for the ID that doesn’t have "delete": true or via the dashboard within the application. Do not show up in exports. Do not show up in classification searches (unless searching for the ID). Do not count towards discordance calculations. Will still be accessible using their ID, and will still appear in historical discordance reports that they were previously involved in.


To perform multiple operations in one call, simply post a JSON array instead of a dictionary, e.g.

		{"id":77, "patch": {"ps1":"NM"}},
		{"id":78, "delete": true},

Though it is best if this is batched to no more than 20 operations per POST.