Variant Classification Sharing

Shariant has the following concepts for handling who has access to what

Body Meaning
Lab Lab in an organisation (eg SA Pathology’s Familial Cancer, Frome Road)
Organisation Aka Institution (eg SA Pathology, VCGS)
User Each lab member should have their own login. The sync tool will have a separate account.
Variant Classification A variant classification will be owned by a user and a lab

A user can belong to multiple labs, though typically a user will only belong to one. Please contact us when a staff member leaves your lab and we can disable access to your lab’s records.

Variant Classifications can be seen in two modes.

  • The live editable copy

  • A read-only version shared at a given point in time

If you or someone from your lab created a variant classification, you will be dealing with editable copy. If someone from outside your lab shares a record with Shariant, you will be dealing with the latest published version of that record. If they make changes and share it again, you will then have access to the new version. The same applies when you share records with Shariant.

Users with access to the editable version can elect to share the record in its current state as long as there are no outstanding validation errors. This will give other users read only access to the data as it is when the publish action was performed.

Share levels

Sharing can be done at several levels. Each level encompasses the level before it, and once it’s shared at a certain level it can only be shared at that level or higher in future. The share levels are:

Share Level Who Can See
Lab Will be available to the lab
Organisation Every lab belonging to the institution/organisation that the owning lab belongs to can see this version
All Shariant Users All Shariant users will be able to see this version
3rd Party Databases This version is deemed ready to be exported to 3rd party databases such as Clinvar

See the Sharing section in the API for information on how to utilise these share levels.

Just a reminder that the purpose of Shariant is to share records.

Evidence max share level

Some evidence keys have a “max share level” and are never shared beyond that level, regardless of the overall classification share level.

For instance curated_by and curation_verified_by have a max share level of institution, which means only your users can see them. Users from other organizations can see the classification was from your lab, but not who did the curation.

What your institute sees:


What others see:
